Local Resilience Fund

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Local Resilience Fund – a new place-based fund for women furthest from mainstream support in Hackney and Newham.

Generously supported by City Bridge Foundation, with operational and funding support from the Smallwood Trust, this £1Million fund has been co-designed by local organisations working directly with women experiencing gendered poverty.

The priority will be on supporting work with women from Asylum/refugee and migrant backgrounds who may have additional layers of oppression affecting their lives such as:

  • No Recourse to Public Funds
  • Economic abuse (including unregulated sex or domestic work)
  • Physical and mental abuse
  • Identify as LGBTQI+
  • Caring responsibilities
  • Disability

The fund is split into 2 “pots”: a Consortium in each area which has been invited to develop joint applications around the strategic area priorities informed by the Co-Design and an Uplift Fund.

The purpose of the programme is to work with grassroots organisations in Newham and Hackney who are supporting refugee and migrant women with unmet needs (especially those experiencing further intersectional challenges e.g. LGBTQ+, disability, caring duties, domestic violence, minimal English, minimal formal education, insecure/unregulated work (such as domestic or sex work).

Ideally, this work will strengthen systems, fill gaps and scale success to increase women’s financial resilience and challenge structures which keep refugee and migrant women in poverty.

The aim is to co-design the fund (September 2023 – February 2024) by working with organisations and women with lived experience: identifying the priorities people feel are under-funded, working out eligibility criteria and general parameters of the fund.  The fund itself will run from March 2024 – February 2028.  The Women’s Budget Group will work with us to provide iterative research and learning as the work progresses.  

Programme duration: September 2023 – March 2028

Funded by: City Bridge Foundation and The Smallwood Trust 

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