Smallwood publishes 2022 Impact Report
We are pleased to share Smallwood’s latest Impact Report that reflects on our work throughout 2022. The full report can be found here.
Our work continues to be ever relevant as women disproportionately shoulder financial burdens. A fifth of women – around 5.1 million – live in poverty in the UK, compared to 4.4 million men. We also know that these figures are becoming worse and current gender inequalities are pushing women further into poverty.
Over the last year we supported individual women as they navigate multiple financial crises and continued to shift grant-making power to frontline specialist organisations that align with our mission.
Reflecting on our grant-making and learning
In 2022 we spent £3.46 million across 400 grants. These grants supported c.30,000 individual women with their emotional and financial resilience, and safeguarded over 80 specialist women’s organisations across the UK.
We also made a commitment to expand our award winning Community Grant Partnerships programme – as well as developing new ways to meet our objectives by investing in place-based women’s networks and bringing about collective impact in partnership with other specialist funders.
The report also covers key areas of learning for Smallwood that help us progress toward our goal of ending gendered poverty, including supporting our grant partners with their non-financial needs and reflecting on how we can continue to recognise lived experience as a crucial source of knowledge.
As we continue to move through a difficult economic landscape, Smallwood is working tirelessly to continue our founder Edith Smallwood’s legacy and transform the organisation into a nationally recognised specialist women’s grant-maker.
Interested in learning more?
You can read the full Impact Report here.
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