
COVID-19: Making Grants At Pace

With the COVID-19 crisis deepening poverty and inequality for financially vulnerable women, Smallwood has responded by awarding grants totalling over £2.3m between March and July 2020.

The key factor in being able to support so many women is the partnerships we have developed with women’s organisations nationwide. As a result, over £900,000 in multi-year grants has been awarded to frontline organisations and over £1.1m has been awarded to new Community Grant Partnerships to support women’s financial resilience and economic wellbeing.

The success of this model is down to empowering these organisations to use their own specialist resources and expertise alongside Smallwood funding to provide grants to individual women. In addition to this, over £300,000 for essential needs has been awarded to individual women that applied to Smallwood directly.

Emma Crump, Head of Evaluation at the Smallwood Trust said, “with 70% of frontline women’s organisations reporting they are worried about surviving the COVID-19 crisis, it is now more important than ever to provide additional funds to safeguard these vital frontline services.”

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