We are looking for a Learning Partner
The Smallwood Trust is seeking a Learning Partner who will work alongside the organisational team, our Trustees and our funded organisations during the initial phase of our place-based programme, the Women’s Sector Resilience Fund Phase 2 from May 2022 to May 2023.
The fund will support local networks of organisations working with and for women to make changes to systems that cause women’s poverty in their area. It is a place-based approach to systems change that is a key component of our strategic plan.
Over three years we hope to achieve the programme goals of:
– Working with networks of organisations united by geography to reduce gendered poverty in their area
– Building capacity within local communities to help the local women’s sector to create sustainable change
The Learning Partner will work with three networks of individual organisations and support them to learn from what they are doing and put in place monitoring and evaluation that will help track progress against the programme outcomes.
We are looking for a Learning Partner that can work cooperatively and flexibly with Smallwood and the funded networks to develop a strong learning culture throughout the implementation of this programme. We are also seeking a Learning Partner that is experienced in issues around equity, diversity and inclusion and intersectional delivery at a grassroots level in locality-based systems change programmes and projects.
Overall, we want the learning from the networks to contribute to Smallwood’s strategic goals that are detailed in our 2022-24 Strategic Plan and our Theory of Change (see page 10/11).
To find out more information, including how to apply, please click here.
Completed proposals must be submitted before 5pm on 4th April 2022.