Unmasking Gendered Poverty Podcast

Brought to you by Smallwood Trust, this podcast is an exploration through conversation on the complex issues of gendered poverty as well as an opportunity to share the valuable insights we are gaining on our journey.

This podcast is presented by Rutendo Ngwena who is the Programme Manager of the Shifting Power & Gendered Poverty Learning Programme which is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and managed by Smallwood Trust.

We hope this podcast can be a source of education, inspiration and empowerment.

There are seven episodes in our first series which will be released individually on Tuesday mornings starting from 16th April. For more information on each episode, click below:

Episode 1: Mary-Ann Stephenson – Women’s Budget Group

Episode 2: Kezia Jackson-Harman and Faye Pettitt

Episode 3: Holly Chapman – B-Radical

Episode 4: Rebecca Gill – Rosa

Episode 5: Poornima Kirloskar-Saini and Sam Everard

Episode 6: Dr Ambreen Shah and Shana Begum

Episode 7: Yasmin Khan

You can listen to Unmasking Gendered Poverty on SpotifyAcastApple PodcastsAmazon Music or via the episode links (above).

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